Pomeroy Men’s Shed is back at work (social distanced) in Unit 8 at The Rowan Tree Centre, Pomeroy, producing a range of items including Jack and Jill seats, planters, garden ornaments and nest boxes to name but a few. This activity has been supported by the Connecting Pomeroy project, funded through the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), and led by Mid Ulster District Council.
Pomeroy Men’s Shed brings together men to share their skills, have a laugh and a cup of tea while working on practical activities of their choice. The group operate Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and have a range of activities including wood work, painting, metal work, and gardening. The group are currently working on restoring an old donkey cart and with winter fast approaching kindling for the fire.
Christmas is also not far away and Pomeroy Mens shed are producing metal Christmas trees, which would look wonderful in your garden. Selling the items they produce helps to sustain the work of the group, and it would be great to see more men involved in the group.
New members would be made very welcome. A ‘Men’s Shed’ is just a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden, a place to feel at home and pursue practical interests with a high degree of autonomy. Where they can share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing, at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive environment.
Men’s Sheds are places of skill, sharing and informal learning; of individual pursuits and community projects; of purpose, achievement and social interaction. A Men’s Shed is a place of leisure where men come together to work on individual or joint projects, or simply to chat over a hot drink and biscuits.
If you would wish to find out more about the work of the Pomeroy Men’s shed or purchase any of the items call in to their unit at The Rowan Tree centre, Pomeroy or for further information visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Pomeroy-mens-shed
The Connecting Pomeroy project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Delivery of the initiative is being spearheaded by a community partnership and co-ordinated by Mid Ulster District Council. Match-funding has been provided by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development, Ireland.