In these challenging times it is re-assuring to know that our local businesses and facilities are going the extra mile to protect users and customers as we do our shopping, attend social events and enjoy hospitality.

To support these businesses and facilities as part of the Connecting Pomeroy project, funded through the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), and led by Mid Ulster District Council, personal hand sanitisers have recently been distributed to staff and volunteers.

Here are four great reasons why we should support local businesses and facilities in our local area;

  1. It helps and support the local economy
    Shopping at local businesses pumps money back into the local economy, and by spending money in the local shop, restaurant, café or pub, shoppers can do their bit to aid our national recovery. This in turns helps to grow the number of jobs in Pomeroy making it a better place to live and work. Local businesses generate revenue to support other services such as libraries, schools, parks and roads that benefit the local community.
  2. Great deals to be had whilst helping the environment
    Local shops often source their goods locally, helping to reduce their carbon footprint. You might be surprised to see just how competitive the prices in local shops are in comparison to major outlets.
  3. A better and safe way to shop
    Small businesses are run by people who live nearby; the experience of buying locally from a friendly face offers a dose of normality in these strange times. Businesses in Pomeroy have been following government guidance and implementing a range of measures to ensure people remain safe while they shop, such as customer limits inside their business, plastic partitions at tills and hand sanitising stations.
  4. Preserving the heart of the community
    Small and local businesses often stock items which are made locally and aren’t available elsewhere, providing a great range of choice and unique products. Pomeroy caters for all your needs; from providing food for the supper, to paint to decorate the bedroom, for medicines for you and the dog, laundering you curtains and of course not forgetting that all important haircut to name but a few.

So in these strange times, we encourage the local community to think local, buy local and support local and by working together we are truly ‘Connecting Pomeroy’.

The Connecting Pomeroy project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Delivery of the initiative is being spearheaded by a community partnership and co-ordinated by Mid Ulster District Council. Match-funding has been provided by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development, Ireland.