Pomeroy will be hosting a scarecrow trail from Monday 19th October to Monday 2nd November 2020. This activity has been supported by the Connecting Pomeroy project, funded through the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), and led by Mid Ulster District Council.
Scarecrows are used as a protector of crops, they are usually built from straw and wood, but did you know – in medieval times, scarecrows were young boys who were tasked with the responsibility of scarring away birds? Known as bird scarers or bird shooers, they patrolled wheat fields carrying bags of stones, and chased away any crow or starling that tried to land in the fields by waving their arms and throwing the stones. When farmers couldn’t find enough young boys to employ as bird scarers to protect their crops, they turned to using stuffed sacks with straw and painted on faces or carved faces into turnips and made scarecrows that stood against poles.
Pomeroy Scarecrow trail builds on this rich agricultural heritage and sets out to involve the whole village in a community event that will be great fun for all, whilst decorating and enhancing the village during a fortnight in October, it will also encourage people to get outdoors to admire the wonderful creations on display.
We are inviting households, schools, groups and organisations to get involved and create a scarecrow or group of scarecrows, based on any character or theme. There is also an opportunity for local business to get involved and promote their produce or service in a fun filled way to the local community. Prizes will be awarded to the best displays in various categories and the public will be invites to vote for their favourite scarecrow.
If you would like to register to produce a scarecrow display in Pomeroy please contact Michael or Rosemary at Rural Action on 028 8648 0900 or email: Rosemary@ruralaction.co or Michael@ruralaction.co
The Connecting Pomeroy project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Delivery of the initiative is being spearheaded by a community partnership and co-ordinated by Mid Ulster District Council. Match-funding has been provided by the Department for Communities. Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development in Ireland.