Capacity Building and Community Engagement Programme

A £5M European Union PEACE IV project creating community cohesion, community facilities and an iconic magic forest and visitor centre in the County Tyrone village, supported by a capacity building and community engagement programme.


Funding has been provided by the European Union PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.  Delivery of the initiative is being spearheaded by a community partnership and coordinated by Mid Ulster District Council.

Rural Action is a partner in the project with responsibility for the capacity building and community engagement elements.

This involves delivering a series of activity pre and post capital works completion across a range of community locations within the village; The Rowan Tree Centre, Church of Ireland Hall, Pomeroy Forest, Presbyterian MUGA and GAA Gym and Leisure facility.


The 3 year programme aims to change attitudes through the implementation of an activity plan to be delivered in the village of Pomeroy bringing people together from across communities and through the development of shared spaces within the village.

Activities will be delivered through an agreed plan under the following themes: –

  • Arts Culture & Heritage
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Sport, Recreation and Health & Wellbeing
  • Strategic Events

The Programme will consist of 3,281 contact hours over a 36 month period between July 2019 and December 2023.  Activities are targeted at Schools, Churches, Community Organisations, Traders/Businesses and Individuals from within the Pomeroy and surrounding area. Additional activities within Pomeroy Forest will target individuals from across Northern Ireland and Ireland.


To keep up to date on all activities happening as part of our Community Engagement Programme please visit our facebook page Pomeroy People & Place



Rural Action delivered the Pomeroy Woollen Woods activity – a public arts project that invites people to create woodland creatures made of wool and display them in quirky outdoor art installations. Keen Knitters and craft artists create woollen characters and tapestries, which were sprinkled within Pomeroy Forest waiting to be found.  An event took place in July 2022 which also celebrated local wildlife and nature. The event’s main aim was to combine the arts and environment, to draw new audiences to crafting and biodiversity and to enhance local culture within the Pomeroy area.

For more information please visit the specific CONNECTING POMEROY page on the website of Mid Ulster District Council.

VIEW THE CONNECTING POMEROY VIDEO from the SEUPB YouTube Channel articulating the impact that EU funding is making in the area.