This project seeks to develop a social media strategy / campaign to showcase the amazing work that rural communities are engaged in right across Northern Ireland. It is funded through National Lottery Awards for All Northern Ireland.
Rural communities and communities in general will benefit from the exchange of information, sharing of stories and practice. We want to inspire people to make a positive contribution to community life.
The project will share how communities are bringing people together, how projects have strengthened communities and addressed local needs.
The project will capture activities right across rural NI, with rural defined as settlements with a population of 5000 or less.
As a result of this project we want to develop a social media strategy / campaign to share information on projects and inspire rural communities to bring about positive community change.
We will create:
- Up to 10 podcast interviews with inspiring community project leaders
- 12 short videos showcasing rural community action
- 12 web-based case studies of rural community action
We want to research the feasibility of establishing an ‘Inspiring Rural Communities’ Awards Scheme that will ultimately recognise and value the role that individuals, organisations, businesses and others play in contributing to the sustainability and promotion of our rural communities.
If you or your organisation would like to get involved please get in touch.