Woollen Woods is an enchanting outdoor art installation featuring hundreds of woodland-themed woollen artworks which have been created by schools, knitting groups and individuals in the Pomeroy area. On display, within Pomeroy Forest will be all sorts of knitted, crocheted and felted items, tying in with this year’s theme of Wonderful Wildlife.
This activity is funded courtesy of the Connecting Pomeroy project, a project funded by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) and led by Mid Ulster District Council. Connecting Pomeroy’ is a £5M EU PEACE IV project creating community cohesion, community facilities and an iconic magic forest and visitor centre in the County Tyrone village.
As part of the community engagement programme, facilitated by Rural Action and with the support of the local Pomeroy community, this fantastic project which brings the arts and the environment together will see the grand opening take place on Saturday 2nd July. This will be marked with a free family fun day in Pomeroy Forest with arts, crafts and environmental activities taking place from 1- 4 pm. Come along and see the woolly creations for yourself!
The Pomeroy Woollen Woods display will run from Friday 1st July to Sunday 17th July 2022. The Woollen Woods trail is located in the forest at the upper car park, beside the newly refurbished courtyard in Pomeroy Forest.
In conjunction with the Woollen woods display the Connecting Pomeroy project have free craft workshops taking place in early July which include natural dye workshops, photo embroidery, embroidery, and twig weaving.
For further information or to register for the craft workshop please visit the Pomeroy People & Place Facebook page or get in touch with Rural Action (028) 8648 0900
The Connecting Pomeroy project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). Delivery of the initiative is being spearheaded by a community partnership and co-ordinated by Mid Ulster District Council. Match-funding has been provided by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development, Ireland.
Notes to Editor:
• The Special EU Programmes Body is a North/South Implementation Body sponsored by the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland.
• It is responsible for managing two EU Structural Funds Programmes, PEACE IV and INTERREG VA which are designed to enhance cross-border co-operation, promote reconciliation and create a more peaceful and prosperous society.
• The Programmes operate within a clearly defined area including Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and in the case of INTERREG VA, Western Scotland.
• The PEACE IV Programme has a value of €270 million and aims to promote peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland.
• For more information on the SEUPB please visit www.seupb.eu
• If you’d like to know more about Connecting Pomeroy project please visit https://www.midulstercouncil.org/connectingpomeroy or contact Hannah McCabe at Mid Ulster District Council on 03000 132 132 or email hannah.mccabe@midulstercouncil.org
• Connecting Pomeroy – Community Engagement Programme is being delivered by Rural Action for further information contact Michael Kelly (028) 8648 0900 or email michael@ruralaction.co